Have you hit a wall with plateaued click rates and open rates in your email campaign? Is your subject line stale? Whether you are starting a new email campaign or trying to give things a fresh look, you will find our repository of articles and webinars on email marketing most compelling. Read: Subject Lines That Work Email Copy That Converts Email Format & Design Things Your Email Designer Must Know More Things Your Email Designer Must Know List Building - Everything You Need to Know Top 10 Best Practices...
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If you have sent email campaigns through SEO Resources’s Email Module, then you have probably implemented DKIM and SPF keys already. Or you would have at least heard us talk about the importance of these authentication keys. Authentication is not an option, but a necessity to secure your brand and online reputation. Use it to protect yourself from domain forgery and phishing scams. Why Is Email Authentication Important? To get a better picture of why authentication is important, let’s start from scratch. Email was developed before the evolution...
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Well, most of us know what 'spam' is, but it's time email marketers learnt what a 'spamtrap' is. To put it simply, a spamtrap is an email address designed to receive spam and trap mailers who send spam or have questionable data collection practices. Spamtrap addresses are never used to subscribe to any email communications; so sending them an email raises an alarm on how they got onto your mailing list. It's easier to understand spamtraps, when you know their various kinds. There are two kinds of spamtraps:...
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Email marketing is no doubt the most sought after tactic for online promotion - it's quick, cost-effective and has a wide reach. It's also true that most inboxes are flooded with marketing emails, so it's important to hit the right note and make a mark that makes you stand out as different from fellow marketers. Here are some "don'ts" that you should keep in mind: 1. Don't Use in Email Header Never use From/Reply to Email - Avoid the phrase "Do not reply". Email is not...
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Email bloopers can be embarrassing, more so if it is a marketing email going out to thousands of prospects and customers. To make sure you don’t have egg on your face, run through this list of checks before you hit “send” on your next email. How much of your subject line can be read? Keep the subject line within 50 characters. Use a valid "From" address. It aids response and lead generation. Proof read your content. Grammatical errors and typos look shoddy in an email. Spam filters trap...
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If you send marketing emails you must have your eye on the numbers. First we run you through the regular metrics, tell you what to watch out for and ways to improve them. Then we give you additional metrics you must track to make your email marketing really work for you. Open Rate Open rates vary from industry to industry. Check your industry’s average open rate. You should worry if your open rate is way below the average. The average open rate in the US in 2012 across...
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Your smartphone is your latest computer. You run your life with it - check email, order books, buy movie tickets and more. As much as 44% of emails are opened on mobile devices, says a recent study by Experian Marketing Services. Studies show that people love to clear their inbox while they are on the move or in a coffee shop. They scan emails on their smartphones late at night and early in the morning, after they shut down their laptops. The rule around the “best time to...
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